7月3日,国际设计领域最具影响力的设计竞赛、世界三大设计奖之一“红点奖”结果揭晓,我校粤台产业科技学院工业设计系蔡旭东同学创作的作品在一万多份来自全球50多个国家设计师的参赛作品中脱颖而出,勇夺“红点奖”桂冠。On July 3rd, the Red Dot Design Award, which is the most prestigious design competition in the international design field, and one of the top three design awards in the world, announced its...2021-09-01
近日,2021圆点国际大学生设计比赛获奖名单出炉。我校粤台产业科技学院工业设计系在与清华大学、同济大学、中国美术学院、广州美术学院、香港理工大学、伦敦艺术大学、加州艺术学院等众多国内外知名高校的激烈竞逐中,喜得佳绩。Recently, the 2021 YD International University announced its list of winners for the Student Design Award. The performance of the Industrial Design Department of the School of Guangdong...2021-09-01
近日,我校经济与管理学院李湛教授应国务院参事室办公室邀请,参加2021年上半年经济形势分析座谈会,作了题为《社会融资规模减速下债市风险分析》的发言,并提交了书面材料供国务院决策使用。Recently, at the invitation of the Counsellors’ Office of the State Council, Prof. Li Zhan from the School of Economics and Management of DGUT attended the Economic Situation Analysis Symposium for the first half of 20...2021-09-01