From time immemorial, people have looked at the vast sky and magnificent mountains and rivers, and have wondered what is the universe made of? From the invention of the optical microscope in the late 16th century to the appearance of the electron microscope in the 20th century, individual atoms can be clearly discerned. Is there a “super microscope” that could see even smaller material space?
在位于粤港澳大湾区中部的广东东莞,就有这样一个探索材料微观组织奥秘的大科学装置——中国散裂中子源。而由东莞理工学院投资8000万元,与中国散裂中子源及香港城市大学共同研发建设的多物理谱仪就是一台研究材料、能源和生命科学的 “国之重器”,是国内首台中子全散射谱仪。多物理谱仪系统负责人殷雯研究员介绍,多物理谱仪就是观看原子世界的“超级显微镜”,对探索前沿科学问题、攻克产业关键核心技术、解决“卡脖子”问题具有重要意义。其设计通量是同功率英国散裂中子源ISIS全散射谱仪GEM的4到5倍,分辨率与兆瓦级美国散裂中子源SNS全散射谱仪NOMAD相当。
There is a large scientific installation that explores the mystery of the microstructure of materials—China Spallation Neutron Source located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, in the center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The multi-physics spectrometer, jointly developed by DGUT, which has invested RMB 80 million, China Spallation Neutron Source, and City University of Hong Kong, is an “important national installation” for the research of materials, energy, and life sciences. It is the first full neutron scattering spectrometer in China. Yin Wen, a researcher in charge of the multi-physics spectrometer system, spoke about the multi-physics spectrometer, calling it the “super microscope” to see the atomic world. He explained that it is of great significance to explore cutting-edge scientific problems, conquer key core technologies of the industry and solve the “bottleneck” problem. Its design flux is 4 to 5 times that of the British ISIS total scattering spectrometer GEM, and its resolution is similar to that of the American SNS total scattering spectrometer NOMAD.
2021年10月,多物理谱仪开展了第一轮用户实验课题征集。共收到123项课题申请,评审通过实验课题44项,其中东莞理工学院课题17项。依托多物理谱仪,清华大学、东南大学、华中科技大学、南方科技大学、厦门大学、上海大学、上海交通大学、苏州大学、中南大学、中国石油大学等众多一流高校及科研机构的科研团队与我校合作,共同开展金属材料、能源材料、功能材料、纳米催化材料等领域的科学研究。目前,首批用户课题实验已完成,部分实验成果已发表在Nature Sustainability,Nano Energy,Scripta Materialia, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Energy Chemistry等国际顶级学术期刊上,有力推动了我校材料学科的发展。其中,首篇用户实验成果由我校王浩亮博士团队发表,在冶金材料领域TOP期刊《Scripta Materialia》上发表论文《Nano-precipitation leading to linear zero thermal expansion over a wide temperature range in Ti22Nb》,该研究利用多物理谱仪表征材料微观结构的巨大优势,精确鉴定了线性零膨胀Ti22Nb钛合金中的物相组成及晶体结构。证实了β型钛合金中依靠溶质元素扩散迁移形成的等温αʺiso相也具备调控热膨胀系数的功能,在宽温域线性零膨胀钛合金特殊热膨胀性能形成机理方面取得突破性进展。
In October 2021, the multi-physics spectrometer launched the first round of user experiment project collection. A total of 123 project applications were received, and 44 experimental projects were approved, including 17 projects from DGUT. Leveraging the multi-physics spectrometer, research teams from Tsinghua University, Southeast University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Shanghai University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Suzhou University, Central South University, China University of Petroleum, and many other first-class universities and research institutions have cooperated with DGUT to jointly carry out scientific research on metal materials, energy materials, functional materials, and nano-catalytic materials. At present, the first batch of user experiments have been completed, and some experimental results have been published in Nature Sustainability, Nano Energy, Scripta Materialia, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Energy Chemistry, and other top international academic journals, strongly promoting the development of DGUT’s materials discipline. Among them, the first user experiment result was published by Dr. Wang Haoliang’s team from DGUT. The paper “Nano-precipitation leading to linear zero thermal expansion over a wide temperature range in Ti22Nb” was published in Scripta Materialia, a top journal in the metallurgical material field. The research accurately identified the phase composition and crystal structure of linear zero-expansion Ti22Nb titanium alloy by using the advantage of the material microstructure characterized by the multi-physics spectrometer, and confirmed that the isothermal αʺiso phase formed by diffusion and migration of solute elements in β type titanium alloys also has the function of regulating the thermal expansion coefficient. This has made a breakthrough in the formation mechanism of the special thermal expansion properties of linear zero expansion titanium alloys in a wide temperature range.

(Fig. the wide temperature range zero expansion property of Ti22Nb alloy obtained by precipitating nano-sized second phase)
我校机械工程学院宋成浩博士在冶金材料领域TOP期刊《Scripta Materialia》上发表题目为《A new hot-rolled lightweight steel with ultra-high strength and good ductility designed by dislocation character and transformation strain》的研究论文。该研究团队利用中子衍射技术表征材料微观结构的巨大优势,精确表征并计算了3种钢的残奥体积含量、位错密度及各位错类型的占比,发现5Si中锰钢热轧板具有良好塑性的原因除了传统的TRIP效应外,相比于不加Si和加Al的中锰钢还具有高螺型位错含量,提高了马氏体的变形能力以及加工硬化能力。本研究突破了传统加Si恶化钢性能的观点,为未来新型高强塑性钢铁材料的研发提供了从调控位错状态角度设计材料的新思路。
Dr. Song Chenghao from the School of Mechanical Engineering, DGUT published a paper “A new hot-rolled lightweight steel with ultra-high strength and good ductility designed by dislocation character and transformation strain” in Scripta Materialia, a top journal in the metallurgical material field. His research team accurately characterized and calculated the residual austenite content, dislocation density, and proportion of dislocation types of three steels by using the advantages of neutron diffraction technology to characterize the microstructure of materials. The team found that along with the traditional TRIP effect, the hot rolled plate of 5Si medium manganese steel has a high screw dislocation content compared with the medium manganese steel without Si or Al, which improves the deformation and work-hardening capacity of martensite.

(图. 5Si中锰钢热轧板力学性能及与其它中锰钢热轧板的对比)
(Fig. Mechanical properties of 5Si medium manganese steel hot rolled plate and its comparison with other medium manganese steel hot rolled plate)
Prof. Qiu Yongfu from the School of Environmental and Architectural Engineering, DGUT and Qiao Yu’s research group (Academician Sun Shigang’s team) from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University jointly conducted an experimental study on the neutron diffraction spectrum of “A novel high specific energy lithium/sodium battery cathode material that exceeds the anion redox activity in conventional secondary battery systems.” Sixteen neutron diffraction spectra and three neutron pair distribution function (PDF) spectra were collected, which provided effective information for in-depth analysis of the structural evolution of new materials, and facilitated the further understanding of the structure-performance relationship of materials and better design of new battery materials. The research group is expected to produce new results after in-depth analysis of the experimental data.